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[국제 컨퍼런스] 위험사회의 도전과 서울의 선택 참여적 위험 협치와 파수꾼 민주주의

행사 개요   
일 시 : 2015년 11월 23일(월) - 25일(수)
장 소 : 서울연구원, 서울대학교, 서울특별시청
주 최 : 서울연구원, 중민사회이론연구재단, 서울대학교 사회발전연구소
후 원 : 서울특별시
Session 1. Keynote Speech- Participatory Risk Governance and Monitory Democracy
· Moderator│ Han Sang-Jin (Seoul National University)
· Presentations│
1. Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley) ………………………………………………………5
“The Governance of Risk: Resilience and Participation”
2. John Keane (University of Sydney) …………………………………………… 23
“Silence, Risk and Catastrophe: The Case for Monitory Democracy”
Session 2. Major Findings of Data Analysis
· Moderator│ Byeon Mi-Ri (The Seoul Institute)
· Presentations│
1. Shim Young-Hee (Hanyang University) ………………………………………… 61
“Risk Perception of Seoul Citizens: Seoul Survey 2013-2014 and Risk Survey 2012, 2015”
2. Chang Dukjin, Ghim Ghi-Hoon (ISDPR-Seoul National University) …………85
“Big Data Analysis of Twitter: Location of Disaster Perception in Seoul”
3. Lee Garam (Yonsei University ……………………………………………………99
“Seoul Foreigner Survey 2011-2015: Migrant Groups and Potential Risk Factors”
Session 3. MERS and Sewol Ferry: The Critical Reflection
on the Korean Experience of Risk Governance
· Moderator│ Kim Hwan-Seok (Kookmin University)
· Presentations│
1. Han Sang-Jin (Seoul National University) ……………………………………… 115
“Seoul Citizens’ Evaluation of Sewol Ferry Disaster and MERS Trauma”
2. Cho Byung-Hee, Yoo Myungsoon (Seoul National University) ……………… 133
“Sewol Ferry Disaster and MERS trauma Linked together: The Analysis of the Main Obstacles to Safe Korea”

Session 4. Lessons from the Risk Governance Experience Abroad
· Moderator│ Han Sang-Jin (Seoul National University)
· Presentations│
1. Gills Campagnolo (Aix-Marseille University)………..…………………………149
“Major Outcomes of the Study on the European Experience of Risk Governance”
2. Oh Namkyung (University of Akron) ………………………………………… 167
“Government-Citizen Partnership for Effective Use of Information in Disaster Management: The Experience of the United States Hurricanes
3. Brendan Howe (Ewha Woman’s University) …………………………………181
“Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in East Asia:Lessons for the Seoul Government from the Harvard Negotiation Project and Conflict Resolution Case Studies”
4. Hong Sung-Geuk(Sheikh Khalifa Specialist Hospital) ………………………223
“The Lessons from the MERS Governance in the Middle East”
5. Zheng Lu (Tsinghua University) ……………………………………………… 229
“Social Governance Experiment of Qinghe in Beijing”
6. Xiao Mingzheng (Peking University) ………………………………………… 233
“ Evaluation Criteria and Model of Social Governance in China”